American Addiction Centers photo

The Nation's Leading Provider of Detox and Rehab

Whether you’re looking for detox or rehab, we’ve got you covered with 8 locations across the nation.

American Addiction Centers treatment facilities on a U.S. map

Our mission

We transform lives through quality compassionate care

Our purpose and passion is to inspire wellness and long-term recovery in those dealing with substance use disorders. We empower you, your family, and your community through high quality custom treatment founded on clinical excellence within a safe and supportive community.

Our treatment model

We see you as more than your addiction

We believe in a hollistic approach to treatment by addressing substance use, co-occurring mental illness and physical wellness together.

Our Admissions Center

A team and process unlike any other

We believe compassion, accessibility, and simplicity are the keys to helping others.

american addiction centers brand promise

Our brand promise to you

If you complete at least 90 days of treatment with us, we believe you’ve created a solid foundation for your long-term recovery goals. But if you do relapse, we’ll welcome you back for 30 days of free treatment.* Some people think of it as a treatment guaranty—to us, it’s our brand promise.

*Terms and conditions may apply, and results may vary.

Patient Safety

Your health and safety are our main goals

At our treatment centers, we have healthcare professionals on-staff or on-call 24/7 to meet your medical needs. We also follow national health and safety guidelines while using the latest technology to keep you safe.

Our COVID-19 protocol

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We strictly follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization’s (WHO) guidelines.

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We screen patients before entry and test them when they arrive for treatment.

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Each treatment center has set up a Health Protection Committee (HPC) to ensure proper hygiene and safety measures are in place and being followed.

What is EarlySense technology?

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EarlySense is a special sensor placed under a patient’s bed that checks your heart rate, breathing rate, and movement (vitals).

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When something goes amiss, like a rising heart rate, EarlySense will send an alert to a nurse right away.

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We use this technology during medical detox to lower the risk of deadly withdrawal symptoms, potentially saving the patient from life-threatening conditions.

Your choice for addiction treatment

We help thousands of people change their lives every month. Our skilled and caring staff are deeply passionate about addiction treatment and are committed to your recovery.

Why choose us
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Your safety is our primary concern

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2x the nation’s success rate

American Addiction Centers photo

Highly qualified clinicians and staff

Start a new life with us in just 3 steps!

Ready to change your life? Call us today—we’ll help you every step of the way.

Get started
Family celebrating addiction recovery
1Your first phone call
2Complete pre-screen
3Begin treatment